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Acceptance of legal declarations

This website provides services to you in accordance with the following legal declarations. Such legal declarations may be updated by this website at any time without further notice. Once the legal declaration of this website (hereinafter referred to as this 'legal declaration') changes, the website will publish the revised content on the website. Once the revised legal declaration is published on the website, it will effectively replace the original legal declaration. You can always visit http://www.goku-tech.com for the latest version of the legal statement.

Before you use the services provided by this website (hereinafter referred to as 'service' or 'service'), you should read this legal statement carefully. If you do not agree with this legal declaration and/or amend it at any time, you may cancel the services provided by this website on your own initiative; once you use this website service, you will be deemed to have understood and fully agreed with the contents of this legal declaration, including any amendments to the legal declaration made by this website at any time, and become a user of this website.( Hereinafter referred to as 'users'.

Modification of Services

This website has the right to temporarily or permanently modify or terminate the service (or any part thereof) at any time, whether notified or not. You agree that any modification, suspension or termination of this website for services (or any part thereof) is not liable to you or any third party.

User Privacy System

Except in the following circumstances, this website will not disclose your personal identification information to anyone.

You agree to share information with third parties.

Only by revealing your personal data can you provide the products and services you require.

We need to provide information to companies that provide products or services on our behalf (unless we notify you otherwise, these companies have no right to use your identity data);

We need to abide by relevant regulations such as laws and regulations, the requirements of judicial or administrative departments.

We found that you violated the legal declaration.

Exemption clause

You clearly understand and agree:

The risk of using the service is borne by you personally. This website or Nikon Science and Technology or related legal subjects do not provide any express or implied guarantee or guarantee for services, including but not limited to commercial marketability, applicability for specific purposes and non-infringement of other people's rights and other guarantees or guarantees.

The information contained in this website may include the parts obtained through various public and non-public channels. This website does not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, completeness, real-time or correctness of its content, nor does it represent the approval of Nikon Technology for this content. Nikon Technology is not liable for this.

The signature or source of this website's information is'Nikon Technology','Nikon Research', and other articles, as well as pictures and audio and video materials. Copyright belongs to Nikon Technology. No content contained in this website can be downloaded, duplicated or reproduced. Otherwise, Niankong Science and Technology or its related legal subjects will be investigated for legal responsibility.

This website does not guarantee the following:

A. The service will meet your requirements.

B. Services will be free from interference, timely delivery, safe and reliable or error-free;

C. The results obtained by using the service are correct and reliable.

D. The reliability of any product, service, information or other information you purchase or acquire through services will meet your expectations;

E. Any errors in the software will be corrected.

Except for the content that this legal declaration has declared not to be downloaded, whether to download or obtain any information using the service should be considered by you and at your own risk. Any damage to your computer system or loss of data caused by downloading any information should be borne by you.

Any suggestions or information you obtain from this website or through services, whether in written or oral form, will not constitute any guarantee other than this legal statement unless explicitly stated in the legal statement.

Limitation of liability

You clearly understand and agree that no direct, indirect, incidental, special, derivative or punitive liability shall be borne by the website or the legal subject concerned for loss of profits, reputation, applications, data or other intangible losses caused by the following reasons, including but not limited to the loss of profits, reputation, applications, or other intangible losses (even if the website is prior). The likelihood of such compensation being notified is the same:

The use or non-use of this service;

The cost incurred in replacing any commodity, data, information, service received, or transaction concluded from or through this service;

Your transmission or data has been unauthorized access or alteration;

Any third party's declaration or action in this service;

Other matters related to this service, except those clearly stipulated in this legal statement;

The third party publishes or delivers fraudulent information in any way, or induces users to suffer economic losses. This website or Nikon Science and Technology or its related legal subjects shall not bear any responsibility.

Special Warning for Financial Related Services

If you wish to set up or accept any service for the company's business, stock quotation, investment or securities, or receive or request any information, information, warning or other information from this service, please refer again to the 'exemption clause' and 'limitation of liability' mentioned above. These two items are especially applicable to you. For such information, 'investors should be vigilant on their own'. The purpose of this service is to provide relevant information. The content of this service is not used or relied on for trading or investment purposes. For the accuracy, applicability and accessibility of any information transmitted through this service, the website and its authorized parties, Nikon Technologies and related legal subjects are not liable. Any transaction or investment decision based on the aforementioned information shall be yours to bear all consequences and responsibilities.

Storage and limitation of information

You acknowledge that you have the right to formulate general measures and restrictions on the use of this service, including, but not limited to, the longest period of time for posted or other uploaded content of this service, the maximum disk space allocated to you by this website server, and the upper limit of the number of times you use this service within a certain period of time (and above each use time). Limit). If any information, communication materials and other contents stored or transmitted through this service are deleted or not stored, you agree that this website is not liable. You also agree that this website has the right to close accounts that have not been used for a long time. You also agree that this website has the right to change these general measures and restrictions at any time, whether notified or not, for its own consideration.

user management

Users should agree that they will not use this service for any illegal or improper activities, including, but not limited to, the following:

Upload, post or otherwise transmit information containing one of the following:

A. Opposing the basic principles established by the Constitution;

B. endangering national security, divulging State secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity;

C. Damaging the honor and interests of the state;

D. Incitement of national hatred, discrimination and destruction of national unity;

E. Destroying the state's religious policy and promoting cults and feudal superstitions;

F. Disseminating rumors, disrupting social order and destabilizing society;

G. Disseminating obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime;

H. insulting or slandering others and infringing upon their legitimate rights;

I. Containing false, fraudulent, harmful, coercive, infringing on the privacy of others, harassment, infringement, slander, vulgarity, indecent, or other morally objectionable content;

J. Contains other contents that are restricted or prohibited by Chinese laws, regulations, rules and regulations, as well as any norms with legal effect.

Harm the interests of minors in any way;

To pretend to be any person or institution, including but not limited to the webmaster or forum administrator, or to state or falsely claim to be related to any person or institution in a false and untrue manner;

Forgery of title or other manipulation of identification data to counterfeit the source of any content transmitted through this service;

Upload, post, send e-mail or otherwise transmit any content that is known or disclosed under any law or contract or legal relationship (e.g. internal information, exclusive and confidential information acquired or disclosed as a result of employment relations and confidentiality contracts) but is not entitled to transmit;

To upload, post, send e-mail or otherwise transmit the contents of copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other exclusive rights infringed upon by others (hereinafter referred to as 'exclusive rights');

Upload, post, send e-mail or otherwise transmit any advertising letter, promotional material, spam, indiscriminate letter, chain letter, direct sale or any other form of persuasive information, only in areas for the purposes mentioned above, in accordance with applicable guidelines or rules. This is not the limit for conduct;

Computer viruses (including, but not limited to, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots) or other computer codes, files and programs designed to interfere, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware or communication device will be designed. Information is uploaded, posted, emailed or otherwise transmitted.

Destroy the normal dialogue process, cause the screen to move quickly, or make other users of this service unable to input, or have a negative impact on other users'ability to participate in instant communication;

To interfere with or destroy the servers and networks connected to this service or to violate any provisions, procedures, policies or norms concerning the connection network of this service;

Tracking or harassing others in other ways;

Wilfully or unintentionally violating any applicable local, national and international law, including but not limited to rules or regulations promulgated by the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, Shanghai or Shenzhen, or any rules of any national or other stock exchange, including, but not limited to, the New York Stock Exchange, the United States Stock Exchange or NASDAQ, And any rules with legal effect;

To intercept, tamper with, collect, store or delete personal information, e-mail or other data of others without legal authorization, or to use such information as is known for any illegal or improper purpose.

You have acknowledged that this website does not pre-examine any content you may upload, nor can you fully control the user's usage behavior. When you use any content, including relying on the correctness, integrity or practicability of the aforementioned content, you agree that you will judge and take all risks on your own, without relying on this site. Website. However, this website and its designated persons have the right (but not the obligation) to reject and delete any content which may be provided through this service in violation of this clause or otherwise objectionable to this website for their own consideration. You understand and agree that this website, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, or based on good faith for the following purposes or within reasonable and necessary scope, may be preserved or disclosed when it is determined that the content must be preserved or disclosed:

1. Compliance with legal procedures;

2. Implementing this legal declaration;

3. Respond to any third party's claim;

4. Protect the rights, property or personal safety of this website, its users and the public;

5. Other circumstances deemed necessary by this website.

You understand and agree that any content you provide may be processed and transmitted via the technology of this service.

1. Transmitting via various networks;

2. Change in order to meet and match the technical requirements of the interconnected network or device.


As you provide, post or transmit the content of this service, your connection with this service, your violation of this legal statement, or your infringement of any rights of others, and thus derive from or cause any claim or request from any third party, including reasonable attorney fees, you agree to compensate this website, the legal subjects related to Nikong Science and Technology and their legal subjects. Subsidiaries, affiliated enterprises, senior staff, agents, brand co-owners or other partners and employees shall be protected from damage.

Termination of services

You agree that this website may terminate the use of your password, account number or service (or any part of the service) for any reason or in the opinion of this website that you have violated the letter and spirit of this legal declaration, and remove any content of your service. This website may also terminate the service or any part thereof at any time in the event of notification or non-notification for its own consideration. You agree to declare in accordance with the law that any provision of this service can be interrupted or terminated without prior notice. You acknowledge and agree that this website can immediately close or delete your account number and all relevant information and documents in your account number, and/or prohibit the continued use of the aforementioned documents or this service. In addition, you agree that if the use of services is interrupted or terminated or your account number and related information and documents are closed or deleted, this website will not be liable to you or any third party.


Notifications can be sent to you via web announcements, e-mail and regular mail. When this legal statement or other matters change, the service will generally show you such notice or links related to it.

Ownership of information content

This website is owned and operated by Shanghai Nianchang Technology Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'Nianchang Technology'). All elements of this website, including but not limited to, are protected by copyright, trademark and other relevant intellectual property laws in general design and 'content'. This website and/or any part or element of its 'content' shall not be reproduced or retransmitted by any means unless this legal declaration or another contract with Nikon Technologies expressly permits it.

Applicable law

The laws of the People's Republic of China shall apply to this legal statement and to your relationship with this website. Disputes between you and this website concerning this service, this legal statement or other related matters shall be settled by a court with jurisdiction through litigation.

If any provision of this legal declaration is invalid as a result of conflict with the laws of the People's Republic of China, you agree that you will endeavour to achieve the purpose between the parties to this clause and under this legal declaration in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, and that other provisions of this legal declaration shall still have full legal effect.


This legal declaration constitutes the entire agreement between you and this website, and regulates your use of this service, and replaces all previous agreements with this website. Additional terms and conditions applicable should also be complied with when you use relevant services, content or software provided by third parties.

This website does not exercise or enforce any rights or provisions of this legal declaration, and does not constitute a waiver of the aforementioned rights or rights.

The title of this legal declaration is for convenience only and does not have any legal effect.

Address:Suite 2412-2415,China Merchants Tower, No. 161 EastLujiazui RD., Pudong, Shanghai
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